I’m going to take the liberty of answering some frequently asked questions that i get on my website:
1. Can anybody be a witch? Yes! Men, women, non-gender conforming people, transgender men, transgender women, everybody! Everybody and anybody can embark on their spiritual journey. If you want to embark in witchcraft, you totally can. I would just definitely say prepare yourself, because it does take a toll on you. It does drain you from your energy a lot. There are a lot of books about witchcraft. There are a plethora of books out there.
2. What books do you recommend? Let me show you some that I have. So, I have sacred woman everyone, should have this book. This book is called Grimoire for the Green Witch. This book is amazing especially for beginners. This book is the Goodly Spell Book. Love this book. This book is 12,000 dreams interpreted. I feel like everybody should have one of these books - that helps you interpret your dreams and understand the significance and meanings behind certain symbols that appear in your dream if anything just google it google different types of books that you can refer to as a guide in regards to engaging and practicing witchcraft. Also, there's so many self-help books out there that can definitely help you, in regards to finding your path and embarking on your spiritual journey. This book really doesn't have anything to do with witchcraft however it kind of does because this book is the complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. It's basically the go-to book for holistic healing because it offers holistic remedies. If you read this book, you can actually find some cool ingredients for your spells. I have many more however just can't because my nails. Let's move on to the next question.
3. What can you put on your altar? You can almost put anything on top of your altar. I actually sell wheel of the year calendars that are alter plates. So, you can put these on top of your altar. Different candles on top of it. Different crystals that you want. Different tarot cards on your altar. Your altar can be a table top, it can be a shoe box, it can be a hat box. it basically could be any corner in your vicinity. Just make sure that you engage or at least meditate. Make sure that the energy is clean, it's positive. Sage the environment, cleanse the environment of any negative energies and bless it with your practice.
4. Are you real? Um, so I've been receiving this question a lot on my website and I feel like that's so weird. Yes, yes I'm real. I'm here. Maybe I can explain this. Okay, when you go on my website there's actually a little message bubble that pops up that says, “Hi if you have any questions please feel free to ask”. I feel like a lot of the times people may think that that's just like a bot, or like there's nobody on the other end. Yes i am in the other end. Now i have a lot of inquiries that I receive that are not related to Vondechii’s Vault. Thus i will not be answering them.
5. How can i get in touch with you for collaboration? If you want to collaborate or work with me please utilize the contact page on my website. Please do not DM me. Please do not facebook me, please do not message me, that is not professional. That is not the way I would like to communicate with the people that I would like to collaborate with. I feel like there is a fine line between, you know, being personable and being professional. If you're inquiring about witchcraft, if you're inquiring about public health, witchy wellness, health wellness, or if you're inquiring about collaborating with me because you're a business owner and you would want to work with me at a future vending event or you would like to do an interview or a podcast or anything of that nature please contact me on my contact page.