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The 7 Main Chakras

Wandeth Van Grover, MPH

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Root Chakra: When your Solar Plexus Chakra is balances you feel respect for self and others, confident, outgoing, problem solving, calm, integrity

Color: red

Essential Oil: Cedarwood

Crystal: Red Garnet

Incense: Vetiver

Meaning: Survival & Grounding

Sacral Chakra: When your Sacral Chakra is balances you feel friendly, passionate, sexually fulfilled, good mood, playful, integrity. When your Sacral Chakra is overactive you need power, manipulative, craving. When you Sacral Chakra is under active you feel shy, guilty, afraid to interact, lost, overly concerned about what others think.

Color: orange

Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang

Incense: Patchouli

Meaning: Sexuality, Passion

Crystal: Carnelian

Solar Plexus Chakra: When your Solar Plexus Chakra is balances you feel respect for self and others, confident, outgoing, problem solving, calm, integrity. When your Solar Plexus Chakra is overactive you feel judgmental, stubborn, critical, bully. When your Solar Plexus Chakra is underactive you feel low self-esteem, apathetic, procrastinating, “taken advantage of”, not knowing what to do.

Color: Yellow

Essential Oil: Cinnamon

Crystal: Citrine

Incense: Geranium

Meaning: Confidence, Intuition

Heart Chakra: When your Heart Chakra is balanced you feel loved, loving, empathetic, “contagiously” good vibe. When your Heart Chakra is overactive you feel entitlement, jealousy, blaming others, giving too much. When your Heart Chakra is underactive you feel unloved, self pity, fear of rejection, neediness, clinginess, uncertainty.

Color: Green

Essential Oil: Rose

Incense: Rose

Meaning: Love, Compassion

Crystal: Emerald

Throat Chakra: When your Throat Chakra is balances you can express self, speaks truth, creative. When your Throat Chakra is overactive you speak too much, boring others, seen as criticizing, stubborn. When your Throat Chakra is under active you can’t express self, afraid to speak in public, cannot express the creative side, seen as timid, dependent

Incense: Sandalwood

Meaning: Expression, Creativity

Crystal: Sodalite

Essential Oil: Eucalytpus

Color: Blue

Third Eye: When your Brow Chakra ‘Third Eye’ is balances you feel intuitive, charismatic, can meditate, knowns one’s purpose, seen as wise. When your Brow Chakra ‘Third Eye’ is overactive you feel spaced out, lost, worrying, seen as living in a fantasy world. When your Brow Chakra ‘Third Eye’ is underactive you can’t see the bigger picture, can be easily influenced, confused about one’s purpose, doubting oneself.

Incense: Jasmine

Meaning: Psychic Ability

Crystal: Labradorite

Essential Oil: Lavendar

The color is: Indigo

Crown Chakra: When your Crown Chakra is balanced, you experience: Joy, Connected to “the Source” while aware of one’s individuality, wise, compassionate. When your Crown Chakra overactive is addicted to spirituality, craving attention, needing to be a popular, over-erotic imagination. When your Crown Chakra under active is you feel misunderstood, can’t have fun, unaware or denying one’s spiritual connection.

Incense: Frankincense

Crystal: Amethyst

Essential Oil: Myrrh

The color is Violet

Meaning: Connection, Wisdom


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