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Vondechii's Vault White Sage Smudging Bundles

Wandeth Van Grover, MPH

Vondechii's Vault White Sage Bundles

Burning Vondechii's Vault White Sage Bundles to cleanse a space or environment of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing. White Sage (also known as White Sage, California White Sage, Sacred White Sage, Grandfather Sage, Bee Sage, Buffalo Sage and “Salvia Apiana” from the “Lamiaceae” family) is a powerful tool in spiritual practice. Burning sage improves awareness and focus. It commonly used to practice mindfulness and transcendental meditation. Sage is a traditional medicine plant of the Native American peoples, used for healing and ceremony. It is used for cleansing and purification, and to open people up to a greater connection with the sacred. It is thought to banish negative energy, not only on the physical level, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It has a very aromatic, sharp and stimulating smell, and its action works on all the senses.

How To Use:

Step#1: Open a window and make sure there is proper ventilation coming in and out of the area you will cleanse with your White Sage Smudging Bundle.

Step#2: Take one bundle from the pack and light the tip of your White Sage Smudging Bundle over an open flame. Rotate the stick back and forth slowly in the flame, ensuring that only the tip of it has caught the flame.

Step#3: Once the White Sage Smudging Bundle caught the flame, let the White Sage Smudging Bundle burn for 5 to 7 seconds.

Step#4: Lightly blow out the flame until it is out. Once the fire is blown out, the White Sage Smudging Bundle will smolder and begin to emit smoke. Let the smoke infiltrate the area surrounding you as you walk around with your White Sage Smudging Bundle in hand.

Step#5: Trace over door frames and the corners of your vicinity with it, without making any contact with anything you are tracing. Let the smoke “smudge” over the items and areas you trace over. Walk around your room with your lit White Sage Smudging Bundle and stop at the corners of your room (letting the smoke linger for a few seconds at the corners) cleansing all corners of your room. Make sure to focus on your visualizations as your cleansing/walking with the lit Vondechii’s Vault’s White Sage Smudging Bundle.

Long Term Care: White Sage can tolerate humidity but it is susceptible to pottery mildew, rust and root rot. Keep your White Sage Smudging Bundle away from moisture, to avoid rotting and/or mold. You may reuse your burnt White Sage Smudging Bundle after you put out/block out all flames and burning embers and storing it in a cool and dry area.

Warning: Do not use if you suffer from Asthma or have respiratory issues. Do not use near infants or young children or anyone who is or may be pregnant. Do not leave burning smudge bundle unattended! You can crush the end in sand or dirt, place the cover of the pot over it or simply place the bundle in the open water container. Just be sure the bundle is extinguished before it is left.


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