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Yoni Steaming

Wandeth Van Grover, MPH

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina, womb and goddess. Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is a holistic health practice whereby a woman experiences the warmth of herbal steam gently permeating the exterior of her vagina. This gentle yet powerful ancient remedy has been used by women worldwide. Mayan healers and midwives used yoni steams or bajos to provide effective support for the female reproductive system, helping to improve fertility.

What is a Yoni Steam?

A Yoni steam gently and effectively cleanses the uterus of any stagnation, build-up of old blood and corrects many issues dealing with with menstruation, fertility and menopause. The healing steam and oils from the medicinal plants will aid your body in clearing old uterine membranes and restoring homeostasis.

Yoni Steams are also known as “v-steams”, “vaginal steams”, or “pelvic steams”. 

The moist heat of the steam bath is good medicine for the feminine body as it supports and softens the womb and the surrounding tissues, increases blood flow in the pelvic bowl and supports the uterus in releasing old stagnant blood. Steams can assist in healing a wide variety of gynecological issues. They are very effective at enhancing fertility and assisting in postpartum recovery.

These blends of organic and medicinal herbs are known to assist with menstrual discomfort and disorders, improve and increase fertility, treat uterine fibroids, cysts, prolapse, endometriosis, and hemorrhoids, speed healing postnatal, assist with chronic yeast infection, relieve menopause symptoms, rids body of toxins and relieves stress.

How does a Yoni Steam work?

The steams work by applying moist heat to the pelvic floor, which heals the exterior tissues of the vagina as well as throughout the entire body via the blood stream. Our herbal steams increases circulation, thin mucus and revitalizes the entire system, allowing it to shed old membrane and mucus build-up. Steaming supports the womb to return to her harmonic physical and emotional alignment. When herbs are heated in water, the healing oils that contain medicinal properties are then released.

What are the benefits from receiving a Yoni Steam?

Yoni steams significantly reduce menstrual pain, bloating and exhaustion, improve and increase fertility, treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, endometriosis and hemorrhoids, speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth, assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar, treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, relieve symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse, rid the womb and body of toxins and stress.

How often should I receive a Yoni Steam?

NORMAL CYCLES: For those who have normal, pain free cycles, I recommend a “maintenance” vaginal steam be done once every three months with the changing of the seasons just before menses. If you are so inclined, you may steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating as part of you self care routine.

FERTILITY CHALLENGES: Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. Some even recommend doing a steam every other day all cycle long for more serious conditions, for a more powerful cleanse & detox. This can be very beneficial for women struggling with long term fertility issues, but it is important to note that steaming all cycle long should only be done during a cycle where you are NOT trying to conceive.

POSTPARTUM: Midwives administer steams to postpartum mothers within the first 9 days after childbirth, this is the ideal. This helps with clots and helps the uterus to return to its proper position. Healthy woman with a natural birth would have three steams within the first nine days postpartum. Maya midwives use the number 9 as a spiritual tradition. They usually do three vaginal steams during the first 9 days postpartum. For the postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding).

MENOPAUSE: For those going through menopause, a yoni steam is recommended a few times a year in the first couple years of menopause to ensure that the uterine membrane is very clean when it stops menstruating. Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times a year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right. If your challenges are chronic, you may want to steam up to three times per week to ensure the greatest results.

When is the best time to receive a Yoni Steam?

You can steam at any time of the month, as long as you are not menstruating. It is nice to do your steam later in the evening so that you can go to bed shortly after finishing the steam.

Beneficial herbs include: lavender, rose, chamomile, motherwort, and calendula.

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